LEHIGH VALLEY SUBSCRIBERS - Your channel lineup will change starting February 12th. All channels in the 500 range (and select channels in the 600 and 700 ranges) will move to their new dial positions.
WILKES-BARRE SUBSCRIBERS - Your channel lineup will change starting February 18th. All channels in the 500, 600 and 700 ranges will move to their new dial positions.
NJ SUBSCRIBERS - Your channel lineup has already changed to an "HD" lineup, eliminating the 500 series channels and select 600 and 700 range channels.
ALL SUBSCRIBERS - For more information please see the letter and lineup card included with your December statement.
New Jersey Customer Information
View the New Jersey schedule of prices, rates, terms and conditions.
Customer Service Phone Numbers are: (610) 865-9100 (PA) (800) 232-9100 (PA) or (800) 225-9102 (NJ). Listed on the bottom portion of this bill are the authorities for this cable system and community identification number assigned to your community by the FCC. The municipal office is not for customer related inquiries, billing inquiries or bill payments. Please refer all billing and/or customer inquiries to the customer service phone numbers listed above.
Billing Procedures: The bottom portion of this bill must accompany each payment to assure proper credit is given. Fees will vary from one customer to the next depending on services received. Billing begins when the installation is completed. When a customer becomes delinquent, a notice conforming to applicable laws and regulations will be sent allowing a grace period before disconnection of services.
Local Office: A Service Electric business office will be maintained at 2260 Avenue A, Bethlehem, PA 18017 AND 37 Sitgreaves St., Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 and will be open to receive application for service, payment of bills, complaints or inquiries and to transact other routine system business during normal business hours. If you have questions regarding your cable television service or bill, please call our Customer Service Representatives at the phone number listed on your bill. If you are not satisfied with the information you receive, we suggest that you submit your question, in writing, to our General Manager. SEND ALL WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE TO SERVICE ELECTRIC CABLE TV, PO BOX 20151, LEHIGH VALLEY, PA 18002-0151. If you are still not satisfied with the response to your question, you may contact the NJ Board of Public Utilities, Office of Cable Television and Communications, 44 S. Clinton Ave, 1st Floor, PO Box 350 Trenton, NJ 08625-0350, 1-800-624-0331 or 609-341-9177. An ordinance in your municipality and NJSA: 48: 5A-26(c) provides that you be notified that any disputed complaints about our service be directed to the complaint officer listed below.
Billing Practices: Monthly service fees are due each month on the date shown. Services may be terminated for non-payment after a disconnect notice has been mailed to your address. A late charge of 1 ½% will be added to the amount in arrears over 60 days. The Company will investigate all claims and respond within 30 days of receipt. Undisputed portions of bills must be paid promptly to avoid disconnection. Dishonored negotiable instruments e.g., returned checks, may result in disconnection.
Outage Policy: In accordance with the NJ Board of Public Utilities, Office of Cable Television and Communications, 44 S Clinton Ave, 1st Floor, PO Box 350, Trenton, NJ 08625-0350, 1-800-624-0331 or 609-341-9177, Service Electric follows the outage credit policy contained in N.J.A.C. 14:18 1.2 and 3.5 which provides generally: An ‘outage’ is described as the total loss of audio or visual portion of any level of cable television for which the cable television company imposes a separate charge and which affects the cable television company’s distribution plant. In the event an outage last six hours or more, the Company will issue a credit on the customer’s bill. Such credits will be issued in one-day units. For outages that extend for more than 24 hours, the customer shall receive a credit for each calendar day or part thereof, if the outage is greater than six consecutive hours in that day. In the event of a conflict between the foregoing and the Regulations of the Office of Cable Television, the Regulations shall prevail.
Service Interruption: In instances where a customer is without cable television for a consecutive 24 hours, and the loss of the service is not the result of an outage, the Company shall credit the subscriber for one day unit for each 24 hour period in which the customer is without service. The cable company is not required to provide the customer with a credit if the loss of service was caused by an act on the part of the customer requesting such credit. In order to obtain a credit, the customer must notify the cable company by phone or in writing 30 days after any such outage or service interruption, or else, within 30 days notify the Office of Cable Television or other designated Complaint Office.
Service Fees: All applicable fees associated with the portion of cable television service are described in our Tariff on file with the NJ Board of Public Utilities, Office of Cable Television and Communications, 44 S Clinton Ave, 1st Floor, P.O. Box 350, Trenton, NJ 08625-0350, 1-800-624-0331 or 609-341-9177. The tariff is also available at our local office for inspection by the public.
Program Content: We are required to retransmit signal as we receive them. Therefore, some program duplication is possible from Network Affiliated stations under current FCC regulations. There may be program blackouts required by FCC Regulations.
Ownership of Facilities: All facilities and equipment including, but not limited to, such things as amplifiers, converters, junction boxes, cable and wire furnished by Service Electric to the customer for provision of cable television service remain the property of Service Electric and are furnished subject to the following conditions: a) such facilities and equipment shall be reasonably used only by the customer and shall be returned to Service Electric on demand in good condition, except for reasonable wear and tear, and b) customer shall not rearrange, disconnect or remove appurtenant equipment provided by Service Electric except upon the written consent of Service Electric. When such rearrangement, removal or other changes in such appurtenant equipment are discovered, a charge will be made as though the work was performed by Service Electric.
Customer-Provided Equipment: Customer provided equipment may be connected to Service Electric facilities subject to the following conditions: a) the equipment shall not (i) cause interference with the provision of service to other customers; (ii) cause interference to any equipment of any kind; (iii) damage the facilities of the Company; (iv) enable the customer to avail himself/herself or anyone else of services provided by Service Electric without paying for the services, b) customer-provided equipment may not be connected to Service Electric facilities without the specific written approval of Service Electric. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, c) the granting of approval for the connection of customer provided equipment does not constitute any representation on the part of Service Electric with respect to the compatibility of such equipment with Service Electric facilities. Service Electric shall not be responsible to the customer for damages to the facilities of the customer so attached, arising from error, improper design, improper use or any other cause. Approval by Service Electric does not constitute any release of the customer for damages to Service Electric facilities which may be caused by reason of the connection of such customer provided equipment. d) Any use of Service Electric facilities or equipment for purposes other than for which they are provided or installed shall be permitted only upon the written consent of Service Electric. e) Maintenance of customer-provided equipment including television receivers, is the responsibility of the customer. The company does not provide such service nor shall it bear the cost of such service. f) N.J.A.C. 14: 18-4.4 provides the company shall have the right of reasonable access to subscriber’s premises, and to all property furnished by the Company at all reasonable times for the purposes of inspecting, testing or repairing its facilities used in connection with supplying the service of the removal of this property.
Availability of Special Equipment: For the applicable installation fees and charges Service Electric will make available certain special equipment including devices for the hearing impaired as required by N.J.A.C. 14:18-3.14 (A)1 and 47 U.S.C. 543€(2) so that they might receive closed captioned programming. Parental lock devices are also available as required by N.J.A.C. 14:18-3.14(A)2 and 47 U.S.C. 544(d)(2) so that a customer may block out certain channels that they might not otherwise wish to receive.
Notice of Complaint Officer: In accordance with the statute 48:5A-26, the agent acting as the complaint officer for Service Electric will be the NJ Board of Public Utilities, Office of Cable Television and Communications, 44 S Clinton Ave, 1st Floor, PO Box 350, Trenton, NJ 08625-0350, 1-800-624-0331 or 609-341-9177. The above agency will resolve any disputed matters which cannot first be resolved between Service Electric Cable TV of Hunterdon, Inc. and the subscribers. All complaints not resolved should be submitted in writing to the address listed above and within 30 days of the subscriber will receive a disposition of status of the complaint. Additionally, subscriber may contact the agency complaint officer directly at 1-800-624-0331.
Senior/Disabled Citizen’s discount pursuant to N.J.A.C. 14:18-3.20: A senior and disabled citizen’s discount shall be provided to certain municipalities. Such a discount shall be in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the monthly/Tier and/or Lifeline rates and shall be available to those senior and disabled citizens as specified under N.J.A.C. 14:18-3.20. Discounts shall be applied for annually, but no later than July 1st of each year, by completing a signed eligibility affidavit (call our office for form). Eligibility requires resident to be at least 62 yrs. Of age with no more than one person under age 62 residing at subscriber address with subscriber, permanent resident of NJ for at least 30 days, and signed affidavit with proof of income or photocopy of PAAD or CCEPD card. Such senior/disabled citizen rates shall be available to residents of Phillipsburg, Lopatcong, Pohatcong, Greenwich, Harmony, Bloomsbury, Alpha, Holland and Milford.
The Federal Telecommunications Act of 1992 requires all cable systems to provide customers the name, address, telephone number and Community Identification Number of their Municipal Franchising Authority. Please find your community below.
FCC#, Municipality, Address, Phone#
- NJ0044, Borough of Alpha, 1001 East Blvd, Alpha, NJ 08865, (908) 454-0088
- NJ0045, Lopatcong Township, 232 S 3rd Street, Morris Park, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865, (908) 859-3355
- NJ0046, Phillipsburg, 120 Filmore St, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865, (908) 454-5500
- NJ0047, Pohatcong Township, 50 Municipal Drive, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865, (908) 454-6121
- NJ0048, Greenwich Township, 321 Greenwich Street, Stewartsville, NJ 08886, (908) 859-0909
- NJ0054, Borough of Frenchtown, Borough Hall, 2nd Street, Frenchtown, NJ 08825, (908) 996-4524
- NJ0055, Borough of Milford, PO Box 507, Milford, NJ 08848, (908) 995-4323
- NJ0067, Alexandria Township, 142 Little York Mount Pleasant Rd, Milford, NJ 08848, (908) 996-7071
- NJ0144, Holland Township, 61 Church Road, Milford, NJ 08848, (908) 995-4847
- NJ0457, Harmony Township, 3003 Belvidere Road, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865, (908) 213-1600
- NJ0535, Borough of Bloomsbury, 91 Brunswick Ave, Bloomsbury, NJ 08804, (908) 479-4200
- NJ0621, Kingwood Township, 599 Oak Grove Rd, Frenchtown, NJ 08825, (908) 996-4276